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About ACLU

Lund University Centre for Business Law (Swedish abbr: ACLU) was founded in 2016 by researchers at Lund University. The purpose of ACLU is both to assemble and to strengthen the necessary and forceful research environments that exist at Lund University, and to make them both nationally and international competitive. An intense exchange of experiences and knowledge between the University and the pu

https://www.aclu.lu.se/en/about-aclu - 2025-02-09


Events at ACLU We welcome everyone that is interested in the business law debate to participate in the different events of the centre. Our seminars and lectures occur frequently throughout the year, and enable researchers and legal professionals to exchange knowledge on business law. Discover the tabs menu for coming events and past events. ACLU Mailing List Do you want to receive information abou

https://www.aclu.lu.se/en/events - 2025-02-09

ACLU Publications

One of ACLU's tasks is to regularly publish books that consist of original contributions from researchers or practitioners who are connected to the ACLU. The goal of the ACLU's publications is that they should illuminate practically relevant issues and development trends in business law in a way that meets high jurisprudential requirements. See the menu for published anthologies and articles.

https://www.aclu.lu.se/en/publications/aclu-publications - 2025-02-09

Published Works

Changed Circumstances (Ändrade förhållanden, 2022) This is the ACLU's third book and has changed circumstances as an overarching theme. The current event that inspired the theme is the covid-19 pandemic, which in many ways has required adaptations to completely unexpected and changed situations. The book deals with the issue of changed contractual relationships from many different legal perspectiv

https://www.aclu.lu.se/en/publications/aclu-publications/published-works - 2025-02-09

Other Publications

Interpretation of Contracts Author: Professor Ola Svensson Publication year: 2020 An important topic in contract law is how contracts and other legal documents should be interpreted. Since the Swedish Contracts Act contains no provisions for contractual interpretation, rules and principles in this area have extensively been developed in case law, which means that the provisions can be considered a

https://www.aclu.lu.se/en/publications/aclu-publications/other-publications - 2025-02-09

Subject groups

Lund University Centre for Business Law (Swedish abbr: ACLU) is spread over different faculties at the University. There is also a close collaborations with lawyers and jurists in the private and public sector. More detailed information on the different subject groups and their members can be found in the tabs menu.

https://www.aclu.lu.se/en/subject-groups - 2025-02-09


Articles Algård, A. & Arvidsson, N. (2022) Skadeståndsansvar för juridisk rådgivning. I: Svensk Juristtidning. Arvidsson, N. & Adestam, J. (2022). Avtalsrättsligt medhjälparansvar. I: Svensk Juristtidning. 2022, 1, s. 98-123 Arvidsson, N. (2022). Aktieägaravtal i ett processuellt perspektiv - särskilt om skiljedomsmässighet i kontexten av tvingande regler. I: Juridisk tidskrift vid Stockholms Univ

https://www.aclu.lu.se/en/publications/other-works/2022 - 2025-02-09


Articles Arvidsson, Niklas & Adestam, Johan (2021). Avtalsbrott och skadestånd - skuldprincipen i svensk avtalsrätt. Svensk Juristtidning, 2021(1), 48-60. Arvidsson, Niklas (2021). Det miljörättsliga avhjälpandeansvaret och dess regressreglering. Juridisk tidskrift vid Stockholms Universitet, 2020-21(3), 571-589. Axhamn, Johan (2021). Första målet om klassikerskyddet - 60 år efter upphovsrättslage

https://www.aclu.lu.se/en/publications/other-works/2021 - 2025-02-09


Articles Hettne, Jörgen & Maria Fritz, Rättsfall från EU-domstolarna, i Ny juridik, 2020 I Hydén, Håkan & Woodlock, John, (f)Lex avionica; How soft law serves as an instrumental mediator between professional norms and the hard law regulation of European civil aviation maintenance, i Safety Science, 2020 I Nordberg, Ana & Mattsson, Titti, COVID-19 Pandemic in Sweden: Measures, Policy approach and L

https://www.aclu.lu.se/en/publications/other-works/2020 - 2025-02-09


Articles Flodgren, Boel (2019), Felparkeringsrätt - hellre fälla än fria? Del 2, Juridisk tidskrift vid Stockholms Universitet 2019/20 Flodgren, Boel (2019), Felparkeringsrätt - hellre fälla än fria? Juridisk tidskrift vid Stockholms Universitet 2019/20 Hardenberger, Alexander (2019), Bevisbördans placering i fordringsmål II - särskilt om förhållandet mellan den civilrättsliga regeln och föremålet

https://www.aclu.lu.se/en/publications/other-works/2019 - 2025-02-09


Articles Bogdan, M (2018). Regulation Brussels Ia and violations of personality rights on the internet - Nordic Journal of International Law. Dotevall, R (2018). Har styrelsen en plikt att försätta bolaget i konkurs? - Nyheter från ackordcentralen.   Dotevall, R (2018). Groups of Companies In Swedish Law - Journal of Civil & Legal Science. Ingvarson, A & Utterström, M (2018). Självkostnadsprincipe

https://www.aclu.lu.se/en/publications/other-works/2018 - 2025-02-09


Articles Arvidsson, N (2017). Privat reglering av revisorsval i aktiebolag: En analys av ogiltighet enligt 9 kap. 16 a § ABL - Svensk Juristtidning. Bogdan, M (2017). The new EU rules on electronic insolvency registers - Masaryk University Journal of Law and technology. Bogdan, M & Persson, V (2017). Några synpunkter med anledning av Europadomstolens Arlewindom - Svensk Juristtidning. Ingvarson, A

https://www.aclu.lu.se/en/publications/other-works/2017 - 2025-02-09


ACLU welcome all students that are interested in business law questions to participate in the different events of the centre. Our seminars and lectures occur frequently throughout the year, and enable researchers, students and legal professionals to exchange knowledge on business law. In addition, our intention is to arrange a seminar aimed solely to students. Are you a student and want to know mo

https://www.aclu.lu.se/en/student - 2025-02-09


General questions E-mail: aclu [at] jur [dot] lu [dot] se (aclu[at]jur[dot]lu[dot]se)Telephone: +46 46 222 10 73You are also welcome to contact any of the people below. Head of ACLU Patrik Lindskoug Associate Professor Email: patrik [dot] lindskoug [at] jur [dot] lu [dot] se Telephone: +46 46 222 10 18 Research Portal Graduate Research Assistant Andrea Ekdahl Email: andrea [dot] ekdahl [at] jur [d

https://www.aclu.lu.se/en/contact - 2025-02-09